From time to time, there are changes and updates to your SMTP server that may adversely affect you nightly reports. Your jobs will start throwing Sending e-mail report warnings that Veeam is “Unable to connect to SMTP server because of invalid credentials or connection settings” and/or “the remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.” Resolving the SMTP warning is quick and easy as long as you know where to look. Here are the quick steps to checking and re-accepting the SMTP certificate:
- On your Veeam console, navigate to your General Options:

- In General Options, select the E-Mail Settings tab:

- Veeam will only rescan the certificate if a change has been made here. I click the Mail server drop down, switch it to one of the other options, then switch back. This change is significant enough to warrant a rescan. Click Apply to initiate the rescan. You should be met with an alert stating that the certificates are mismatched:

- Select Continue to connect, and OK to close out of the Options menu. During your next run, the SMTP warning should be resolved, and your email notifications should resume normally.
There may be other reasons that could be interrupting the communication between your Veeam backup server and the SMTP server. If you would like further assistance please contact