If you encounter the error message “Backup copy RPO violation: [Hostname] was not copied within X Day X Hours X Minutes. Job has failed unexpectedly,” follow these steps to address the issue:
- After starting the wizard at the Target step of the wizard, locate and click on the “Advanced” option.
- Click on the “RPO Monitor” tab after accessing the “Advanced” options at the Target step of the wizard.
- Select the “Alert me if newly created backup is not copied within” checkbox on the “RPO Monitor” tab.
- In the fields on the right, specify the desired Recovery Point Objective (RPO) in minutes, hours, or days. If you choose to specify in days, the RPO monitor will consider calendar days instead of a 24-hour period.
- If you have enabled copying of log backups, make sure to select the “Alert me if newly created log backup is not copied within” checkbox.
- In the fields provided on the right, specify the desired Recovery Point Objective (RPO) in minutes, hours, or days, depending on your preference and requirements.
- Click on “Save as default” if you wish to save this set of RPO settings as the default one. By doing so, when you create a new job, these saved settings will be automatically offered as the default. This default setting will also be applied to all users added to the backup server.