Release Notes
### Bug
User logs for deleted users are showing blank detail
When a user is deleted, a new user cannot be created with the same username and/or email address
Do not allow end users to see/select the subscription "License \+ Storage" - only Super Admin
Ack buttons dont work on consolidated job rows
Investigate "didn't runs" for jobs; after upgrading to v8, the jobs don't seem to be reporting in.
User logs screen searches do not work
v8 Staging-Portal.Sample-MSP Issues
2\.2.6 Testing - Bug - While logged in as an admin, you can't see the jobs for any organization. Tested using
2\.2.6 - V8 test - gaps in Org drop-down in repositories
### Task
Improve customer reporting for service providers
Cancel subscription at company deletion
Use Companies service removeCompany method when a user delete its account
Stripe Integration - Set billing cycle anchor
What happens if MSP adds via registration of a customer that already exists in VSPC?
Enable hints for M365 job logs
When a user deletes their account we need to ask for a reason and log it
Changes on verified email screen
Add snooze to ignore on Daily checks
Hide Companies tab for end users that add a user
More Hubspot custom properties sync
Hide the refresh button in report tables where it has no functionality
Test Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Proxy Pools - Sample-MSP
Add Violation Override to Billing screen
M365 v8 - support
Add users column to Organizations screen on M365 App
Mcast - UI changes for Login pages
Add endpoint to enable/disable company jobs
Restore portal - sort email folder list alphabetically.
### Enhancement
When adding User to Excluded list, Site is not selected by default
UI Enhancement for sign up process
M365 - Support for proxy pool
### Bug
Ack, Ticket, Ignore buttons dont work on consolidated job rows
Company is showing as "Free" on Billing page
Error when changing subscription from Basic to ACH
Users who were deleted can still log in
User log # of records filter shows different results for the same data.
Reports-Scheduled and Reports-Licensing on refresh shows different results for the same data.
Users cannot create their own scheduled reports
Restore \(ADV\) The device code doesn't load and continues to spin when attempting to use Restore \(ADV\) for
Unlock account and reset password fails due to a missing prop
Edit a user does not save MFA and force password reset changes
Ack button not working
### Task
Customer unable to update credit card info
What is level of effort to develop simple Windows utility to disable VSPC throttle?
Give users ability to cancel their account, even if FREE
Add "Request to be a service provider partner" checkbox to the registration page - auto assign SubSP role when checked.
Add snooze to ignore
Closed tickets show open on the main dashboard
Add ability for users to add other users for the same company/domain
Show tickets even if not opened in portal
Customer should have been pro-rated on Nov invoice and it was not
M365 job status not updating quickly
Show cancellation reason in user logs
Zerto no longer in use
User logs should show subscription change not cancellation
Change Dashboard for Active / New licenses
Set inactive attribute checkbox at company level
Improve error reporting for "Failed to create Organization"
Turn on job notifications by default
Company organization sync with Hubspot
Add slider bar to Calendar view
Hubspot prefix for custom attributes
Need permanent override on BILLING screen
Hubspot subscription level sync
Add message "Please be patient while we verify your email address. Please do not leave this page."
Improvement on reset password feature
Delete User/Company on Hubspot on portal deletion
release 2.2.5 test results
Align check boxes on self registration page
### Story
Test - M365 - Admin Job Management - User refresh the job status info
### Epic
SP Stripe Integration
### Bug
Changing from free subscription to another subscription level without entering the credit card
Only list open tickets on the bottom section
Can't create ticket in Inaccessible tab
Hints search for words does not work
Portal asking for note, even when note is present when using Ack all button.
Didn't Run, Ignored spins forever
Failure in requesting hints to highlight messages
Issue with ADV restore
### Task
M365 Dashboard fixes
Add refresh option to jobs menu
Create All Customers report for Sub-SPs
Add a GB/user column on BILLING sheet
Summarize repeating alerts and allow bulk ack/note/ticket
Archive Didnt Run Ignore data
When deleting a user please preserve the historical user activity logs
Configure Stripe SP testing issues
SP restore from SP has an error when selecting Teams
2\.2.4 Release Candidate - Feedback
### Story
Hubspot Integration v2
### Enhancement
Enable reports for end-clients.
Show SP name as the prefix on Azure AD Application Name
Discuss manual invoice billing option
Stripe integration - Backend refactor
### Bug
Cannot add exclusions to “x” job
Users menu item does not allow searching on company
Unable to select License \+ Storage subscription
Subscription level update is not working
Receive error when trying to manual override billing settings in the Billing menu
Prevent the use of the '&' character in 365 organization and backup repository names.
Data modifier in bottom window opens upwards and is inaccessible
Restore \(Beta\) Not loading.
Reports not sending
### Task
Change checkbox for enabling web parts on new org setup
Stop Free and Stripe registrations from North Korea, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Russia, Brazil and India
Register - force logout when hash is present
Script to test bucket creation - AWS creds
Add ability to create new M365 organizations and backups for customers of Sub SP
Monitoring Licensing sync is not working
We need to update our terms of use
Add filters and sort capabilities on Billing menu
List any open tickets associated with a job on the bottom half of the screen
Send reports manually is not working
Repository Graph no longer reporting data
Remove bulk ack "job has to be the same" check at SP level
Include “x” as a prefix in Azure AD Application Name
Allow resize between up and lower sections of daily checks
Fix logo scaling on reports
Keep existing company associations when changing roles
office365 sync not working after latest upgrade
### Enhancement
Ignoring items on Didn't Run page is very slow
### Epic
Ability for sub-tenants to register new companies and assign to their account to manage
### Bug
Restore Portal - Teams error on Files and Tabs
Please create a Job under your Organization modal
Visual bug on Daily Check - Job table
Public Cloud Workloads no longer reporting since 8.1 update
Billing report - it is not showing any storage sizes
Bulk Ack Issues
### Task
When adding a second repository the drop down allows us to pick 2 proxies.
Create new subscription type "License&Storage Plan"
Change emails and one drive items to a different icon than folder icons.
Automatically create a new bucket for each customer for M365 backups
Generate self signed cert for every new customer on registration
For Bulk Ack, prompt first for notes field
Implement/improve password complexity check requirements
New Sub-SP role
Banner message for Sub-SP users
List items alphabetically in Restore Portal
Add ability to remove/delete repository
Syncs - Public Cloud VM is not working for VSPC v8.1
Company notes icon should show on Didn't Run, Disabled, and Inaccessible tabs under Daily Checks
Auto add new customers to portal from VSPC
Add note field to inaccessible tab in daily check screen
Add note to M365 jobs screen
Add link to FAQ under Support tab
Modify self-registration flow to handle sub-tenants
Update to VSPC caused new job IDs for most, but not all jobs
# Release notes - platform - 2.2.1 prod
### Bug
Vue-router error due to double redirection.
O365 Organization Updated log do not show the company
Changing another user's password does not give any information about the reason for failure
Changing retention on an existing repository results in error
DB Login is hanging out due to error at email sending
SP licensing sync is not getting any data
User already registered on a SP is not able to register on another one
### Task
Send reminder about trial period close to end
Send notification about trial expiration
Send notification on disabled jobs
Soft delete company and backup data after 30 days of no interaction
Show companies exceeding service level on Billing page
Self-registration: Text not readable on Continue button
Hubspot API Discovery
Add SP configuration to turn on/off the Service Level automations
Restore portal - Teams has error "Error creating the restore session"
Hubspot API: Build client
Trigger Hubspot workflow on disabled jobs
Change top left storage usage widget to reflect TOTAL storage
Add verbiage to registration verification email
Can the billing/usage information be updated every 4 hours instead of every 24 hours?
Restore Portal - Make sure it works with huge amount of data
License usage widget does not show NEW licenses
### Epic
Restore Portal v1
### Enhancements
Inaccessible computers - Add ability to ignore
Add ability to push the trial date further into the future
Add ability to send job notifications to other email addresses not defined in the system
### Tasks
Make Restore Portal modules configurable by SP
VMOBACKUP users report
Require VAT ID for any paid subscriptions outside of the US.
Add ability to add jobs from jobs screen
Notification upon job completion logs should be on UTC.
### Bugs
Unable create new ticket from bottom of the daily checks window
User Log modal for o365 jobs deleted does not show the job and the company name
M365 Jobs edition bug
### Bug
Modifying Job Error
### Task
M365 API v7 - Only support "sites" attribute
Script to add companies at ServiceProvider onboarding
Self-Registration: Add setting to enable/disable Stripe integration
Self-registration: Tweaks on self-registration form
### Enhancement
M365 - Job wizard enhancements
### Bug
o365 - Storage usage not loading
M365 - Licensing sync fails for specific companies
Type filter on Users Logs only works with a single word
Users Logs for ack\_o365\_usage are not saved
### Task
Integrate Slack with our API to send messages
M365 user license consumption - Add sync to get and store data
Add report for M365 user license consumption
O365 licensing export
### Story
Add report for M365 user license consumption
### Bug
Login as the same user
Edit company shows companyId instead name
Weekly report is broken
Support sections should not be accessible if setting is turned off
Daily checks - Filters and tabs overlaping
Daily checks - Inaccessible stuck on loading
User Creation Error Message
### Task
M365 backup run time in local time zone of customer?
m365 licensing sync alert when we're not able to reach a VM
Improve size of Managecast background
Self-registration email: add plan on email body
### Enhancement
Create NEW All Customers Report - Basic View
Add more detail to Users Logs
### Bug
Ignore rules not working
Reporting Table company filter display companyId instead company Name
Some stripe charges were duplicated in February
Trial date info not showing under Billing menu report
Stripe - Billing cycle
Alert message "Please create a new Job under your Organization" appears in Monitoring app
### Sub-task
M365 Prompt user to go to the Organization wizard
M365 Prompt user to go to the Job wizard after adding an organization
### Task
Licensing sync - Shared veeams
Add logging for ignore option
Merge backup jobs for customer on
Self registration users are set to "managed" by default
### Enhancement
Turn on support menu for VMOBACKUP
### Story
M365 Org and Job Setup Wizard Enhancements
### Bug
Daily checks - filter Date is always reverts to the default option at page refresh
Daily checks - filter "Anomaly" does not remain on at page refresh
Daily checks - filter "Ignored" does not remain on at page refresh
Daily checks - filter "Target Type" does not remain on at page refresh
Didn't Run Last Run filter works as a Date Range filter
Daily checks - filter "Source" does not remain on at page refresh
"Unmanaged" Filter in Daily checks returns nothing
User Logs - date filter is not working
User Logs - date filter formated in UTC
Edit Company with Organization fails the first try
Restore menu disappears on refresh
Daily Checks 'Shared Files' filter causes JS error
Daily checks - State filters does not remain on at page refresh
Daily checks - selected filters must remain after navigating to other sections
### Task
Customer sync issues
### Story
Enable hints for Admins and Operators Only Option
Show ticket number on mouse over
### Enhancement
Add permanent notes section to new ticket window based on company
New Job Type to Sync - File Backups
### Bug
Daily checks - Avoid JS error
Inaccessible computers filter is not working as expected
SubscriptionUsage model wrong attribute types
M365 Dashboard - Retention widget accuracy
Table Filters by Date are not working properly
Sync are not properly working for VSPC v8
M365 API company name validation
Customer unable to save changes to Weekly Reports
Licensing report not showing data for vmobackup
### Task
Add "Created At" column to organizations list
Change backup status widget wording
Daily check screen - shorten Job Type column to avoid scrolling the window
2\.1.4 release Issues
M365 - Add Organization wizard improvement
### Task
Streamline user experience on M365 job setup
Use Open instead of Waiting Client Response for Connectwise Tickets - Managecast Portal
Reports - add lastSentAt attribute
User form changes
Setup customer SP
M365 Dashboard - Loading icon per widget
M365 Dashboard - Filter by Company
### Story
M365 Dashboard - Discovery and investigation
M365 Dashboard - Implement Backup Status widget
M365 Dashboard - Implement Users widget
M365 Dashboard - Implement Retention widget
M365 Dashboard - Implement License Activity widget
M365 Dashboard - Implement License widget
M365 Dashboard - Implement Storage Use widget
Add ack and ticket buttons to lower screen in daily check view
### Enhancement
Allow exporting entire list or increasing page size
Add sync for backup server status
New Job Type to Sync - Public Cloud VMs
Show Job Types in Daily Checks
Test VSPC v8 with Portal Syncs
Hidden message for M365 backups still shows up in email logs
Subscription enhance to existing customer adding credit card info
Subscriptions - Ask to change level of service before entering credit card info
### Epic
Existing user subscriptions
### Task
User Profile - Enabled/Disable MFA
Hide ticket link from non Admin users
Mods to VMOBACKUP Registration Screen
Add Google Pixel to VMOBACKUP.COM Portal
Self Registration - Email should be verified before creating Company/Account in the portal
Change login screen username area to say "username/email" \(for VMOBACKUP.COM\)
### Enhancement
Subscription listing
### Story
Existing users - add subcription
Existing users - update credit card
Test Self-Registration verification email
### Task
Daily checks export
M365 self-registration MFA enabled by default
Add Google Pixel to VMOBACKUP.COM Portal
### Story
Subscriptions Billing Screen
### Support
issues found while testing 2.0.15 release
### Bug
M365 should not see any repository before selecting organization
### Enhancement
Daily Report Improvements
Improve note field on calendar view
Scroll to date clicked in calendar view page
Oct 11, 2023
# Release notes - platform - 2.0.15 prod
### Support
issues found while testing 2.0.15 release
### Bug
M365 should not see any repository before selecting organization
### Enhancement
Daily Report Improvements
Improve note field on calendar view
Scroll to date clicked in calendar view page
VMO365 Portal Not displaying error/warning messages
Syncs: Cloud workloads sync not working
Customer syncs are not working
Analytics Trends - Mixed SP data
Rules Engine: we're applying other SPs rules to no right SP
Syncs - Investigate gaps on calendar view
Another report of a different customers data showing up for shared VPSC portal
### Task
M365: Basic auth is not supported anymore.
o365 licensing sync improvement
Mcast license numbers differences
Customer - Add specific header for sync
Downloads - Add new download link
### Enhancement
Reports: Change generation to be parallel instead of serial
### Support
License usage drop off
### Bug
Communication issue with standalone agents
Cloud workload sync not working on 2.0.13
Syncs - Cloud workloads sync is not working for v7
Sporadic issue with Agent sync
SSO - Veeam Single Sign On is not working
M365 token cleanup
Cant self register vmo365 staging portal
Licensing report - should not show Managecast customers for shared VPSC Portals
Creating a support request from staging portal goes to a 404 page.
Sending reports give error status code 500 - Microsoft365 settings blank
Daily checks job type filters aren't working
o365 Syncs - Hang up on "running" state
Hints - invalid RegEx error
Customer M365 Licensing sync is not working
Customer licensing sync is not working
Calendar view: Mixed data between different SPs
Company edition is failing
### Sub-task
"Monitored" column is showing always "Yes"
### Task
Licensing report: Investigate differences since AWS upgrade and/or v6 vs v7
M365: Jobs list - sort alphabetically the organizations
Rules engine - Type error causing a lot of logging
M365 - VMO365 M365 sync returns no jobs
### Enhancement
Licensing report export to reflect UI report
Admin login - hide default logins from user logs
M365 - Show Service Level for SP that uses it
M365 - Add ability to select proxy from list, Admin only, used during repo creation
Licensing report - Add new column "monitored"
Enhance loading component
Compiled with problems error message on page
M365 sync: post sync action
Update VMO365 Self Registration Defaults
### Story
Logging system
Auto-detect PIT VSPC reachability
Reports: Summarize logs if the message is multiple times the same.
Close Linked tickets when Original ticket is closed.
### Bug
Repositories sync is not working for Fivenines
Reset password is not working for AD service providers
M365 job completion emails are not going out
Cloud workloads - Ignore from dashboard statistics \(queries\)
ConnectWise - Ticket creation error
VAC ID lookup is not working
Managed agents sync is not working for customer
Customer password resets not working
Investigate random portal crashes
Customer licensing report - sockets issue
Change Password is not working
Reports - customer report is not showing data
Portal locking up, pages not loading, buttons not working
Wrong messages displayed for Jobs, incorrect status
Issues creating tickets
Reports: weekly generated report is showing 6 days instead of 7
M365 - 500 error on setup.
Sync - office365 failing with errors
Uprite portal showing a job ran when it has been suspended for 14 weeks
Job executions error messages DO NOT show on Daily-checks
### Task
ConnectWise - Change settings for customer
Investigate why organizations have not VACID on self registration
Disable portal for customer
Replace API token for API-Key on each call to VSPC
### Enhancement
Add new fields to Daily Checks export
### Story
M365 version 7 support