The error above shows up when trying to perform a failover in a Hyper-V environment. If you try to start the Network Extension Appliance manually you get the same error.
- Ensure you have the folder location of where the Network Extension Appliance was deployed. To check the location, you will need to look at the error in Hyper-V and it will display the location of the vfd. Copy that location into the command.
- To ensure you have the correct VM ID, try to run the Network Extension Appliance manually in Hyper-V. There will be an error that shows up and it will list the proper VM ID in the error.
- You will then want to run this command in Hyper-V on Powershell to give the Network Extension Appliance permission to start. You will need to input the path of the Network Extension Appliance’s vfd and its VM ID in the correct spots in the command below.
icacls <Path of .vhd .avhd or .vfd file from step 1> /grant “NT VIRTUAL MACHINE\ <Virtual Machine ID from step 2> “:(F)